But back to Facebook, I know everyone and their cat has a Facebook page, but I refuse. If I have to sign up for one more goddamn site and fill out questions like what my interests are, where I graduated, what book am I reading, etc, etc, I will beat Al Gore's ass for ever inventing the Internet, cuz you know he did. I got suckered into MySpace and have not been to my page in over two years. Last I checked, it had a dancing Stormtrooper, and possibly been hacked into.
There are other reasons why I won't do the Facebook thing, sometimes I don't want to be found, like the time I ..... uh nevermind. Self-implication is never a good thing. I also don't want to be one of those people, you know, those people who have to update every goddamn minute on what they are doing!!
.....just got done eating a bowl of chili, think I gotta run to the Fortress of Solitude!!!
.....my cat just yacked on the floor again, gotta hold him under water for a few minutes!!!
.....went to the beach and realized how old and out of shape my formerly adonis ass is!!!!!
I say to those people, GFY!!
Actually, the reality of it is I won't sign up for Facebook because I fear that no one would friend me :(
I mean hell, at least on MySpace, I was guaranteed at least one friend. "You're my boy Tom!!!"
But on Facebook, I would see all of these old people I used to know and roll with and hope they would send friend requests only to receive none, or my requests would be denied. (crying, huddled naked in the corner).
Then I would have to get all Danny McGrath on their bitch asses.

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