A week ago we lost Connie Huber, Sher Khan, and I know that life without her will never be the same. My life was never the same the moment I was introduced to her over 10 years ago. From the moment Pooz introduced me to Connie and Paul, they treated me with such respect and humility that I had never really experienced before in my life. To come in as a total stranger and for them to accept me into their lives is simply amazing.
In the past 6 years I've dealt with something I've never dealt with before in my life starting with the passing of my boy Markeet, the loss of Deb's mom Ruthann, Granda Kay, and now Connie. The experiences I gained from each of these individuals have helped me get through each loss and have taught me to appreciate my time with those still here. I'll be the first to admit that is still a work in progress, as can be attested by my quick temper and my tough criticisms of my family and myself. But, I would not be the kick ass husband, father, son, dude that I am without having each one of these individuals in my life and the experiences we shared.
Sher Khan, and A.U, gave me a physical tangible image of how I want to envision my life with Pooz, from the "Open 24 Hours" front porch, to the stability and reasoning we can provide when friends and family come to us for support.
There are so many memories I cannot begin to list them all, but I will always remember the simple image of her sitting in the dining room with a glass of tea.
Thank you Connie!!