Or St paddy's day

It's March Effing Madness bitches!!!!! Awwww, the memories
Not so much this
I know I know it's a little late in the game and most of you are used to nothing but dick and fart chokes from me but you can suck it! No one reads this shit besides me anyway. This is about the special time of the year that proudly promotes gambling and one of the largest waste of work time outside of Valentine's Day when all the dudes are scrambling to find their significant other a shitty last second gift.
Now the boys in maize and blue made a surprising return to the dance and damn near shocked the world again but unfortunately fell short of the so-called "uncle toms"! On top of that it was great to see Coach Fisher back in the dance with San Diego St. Maybe this is the reason this year's tournament has been one I have been geeked about in quite sometime.
I'm really not going to bore you with my slightly buzzed ramblings about sports, especially since most of you all only come here to see these

Holla bitches!!