The transformation was as impressive as watching Unicron change from a planet eating umm planet, to a freakin robot large as a planet.
(Stupid Galvetron)
Well, to say the least all of this was my sad attempt at retaining my title as coolest to the kick-ass husband of all time.
I have to say, the spread was impressive, and only made better by the catchy titles of the dishes, I mean come on, we had "Cullen Crab Bombs" and "Stake in the Heart Chicken Satay and Beef Skewers".
I'm really having a tough time at writing something sarcastically witty and potentially offensive. Not sure if it's because I know how much this party meant to Pooz or if it's true, that I now have relenquished all traces of dude von dudenstein when I passed my sack to the devil for the aforementioned title. Okay, that was a sad attempt at something sarcastic, witty, funny, but turned out to be an epic fail. I'll just post some pics of the grand event.
Those are just a few of fun moments of the official Twilight Release Party of 09. And one last shot of the big payoff on why I do the things I do.
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